
SQ 3: Departure

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Literature Text

SQ 3: Departure

Xakriuth: Jayne leaned against the wall next to the door of the farm. He was wearing light clothing over the bandages wrapped around his torso and limbs. He was in a little pain, but he was healing well. He stared up at the night sky with his sea green eyes and heaved a content sigh. These last few weeks had been nothing what he had expected, Jayne had thought coming here would mean a small vacation, but he had done nothing but relax, it had seemed. From growing his antlers back, being dragged into craters after crystals, appearing in a fairy tale land, and then that fight with that huge monster... All these memories played through Jayne's mind and he slowly slid down the wall to sit on the porch, eyes still on the stars as a smile came over his face. Sure, this had been no vacation, but he had enjoyed coming here.
The deer continued to sit there, enjoying the evening air and cool breeze on his skin. He should probably go to sleep, but he found himself very comfortable just sitting against the wall.

Mr. Rainbow: Coden would again find Jayne lounging late in the night upon the front porch. Gazing at the stars as seemed to be his custom. And for a very long time, Coden watch the young man, whom looked so utterly at peace. Loathing that he could not simply go out to join him this time simply to join him for the sake of enjoying his company. Alas, it was his duty instead to be the bearer to bad news for the young man. It shouldn't have been so hard, but for reasons unfathomable, Coden found himself utterly reluctant as he quietly stepped outside onto the porch, and take his place upon the door frame, silently watching the sky alongside his companion.

Xakriuth: Again, Jayne's ear twitched and he glanced back to Coden. "Good evening." A light smile was on his face, reflecting his inner peace. "I apologize for being so absent today, Barts apparently procrastinated his 'to do' list this whole time, and decided I should do it." He chuckled a little, not bothered at all, and went back to staring at the sky.

Mr. Rainbow: "Do not apologize. You are not bound by our rules," Coden assured, glancing away from the sky to look anyplace but that serene sky. "You may come and go as you please." Granted, Jayne being out all day had made it more difficult to deliver the news. He would perhaps have a word with Bart on dumping all his work upon the deer. Not that he cared what business they shared...

Xakriuth: "Oh, I know. But I felt like I was too absent today. Tomorrow I should have more time, though, if you needed anything of me." Jayne shifted a bit and scratched at the base of his antlers.

Mr. Rainbow: If he only knew.... "You are here now....That is all that is required," He stated quietly, and reached hesitantly for the paper tucked into his inner pocket. Part of him thought he should wait, but prolonging it would only make it harder for Jayne. His mother was involved, after all. "I saw Tobias today..... Something came up."

Xakriuth: Jayne's ears twitched and he looked around to Coden. "Something came up? Is Amina alright?" Then his eyebrows raised. "Did he... Hear something about my father?"

Mr. Rainbow: "Amina is fine,"Coden assured, shaking his head deftly as he brought out the envelope and extended it to Jayne. The seal was broken, showing that it had been read recently. "We could not find your father. He is untraceable beyond [insert city or event]......... --But your mother is very ill...."

Xakriuth: Jayne listened with interest, just absorbing the information. He should have expected this, and he was a little disappointed as he took the letter, but at Coden's last statement, he froze for a moment. "My... Mother?" He wasn't quite sure what to think as he stared at the envelope. He slowly stared to pull out the letter. "How did you... hear about her?"

Mr. Rainbow: "One of our contacts in Nui Do'cell recognized the name and informed us of her condition," he stated simply.

Xakriuth: Jayne pulled out the letter and his eyes started to scan the words. As he read, his expression didn't change much, but those that knew him well could see the fear grip in his chest. His heart beat sped up and it was a little harder to breathe. From what he read, his mother wasn't just ill... She was dying. And she didn't have much time left.
Even after he had finished reading, Jayne's eyes were still glued to the paper, his eyes scanning over a few sentences here and there. A long time seemed to have passed while he just sat there before he realized he was just... sitting there. He cleared his throat and tucked the letter back into the envelope, his eyes still staring at the container as if he could see through it to continue reading the words. "Uh... Thank you... For getting this to me." He was a little surprised at how quiet his voice was.

Mr. Rainbow: All the time that Jayne read the letter, Coden stood silently by. Watching his every move and gesture. He didn't know Jayne as well as Bart, but he was very good at reading a person's body-language. Jayne certainly wasn't an open book, but his feelings were clear. Stifling a sigh, Coden pursed the frown that dared to crease his lips. "We understand that time is short, so travel arrangements have already been made, should you wish to go."

Xakriuth: Jayne was still staring down at the envelope as his hands shifted it around with a small amount of nervousness. As hard as he tried to keep himself composed, he couldn't completely hide what was threatening to explode from his chest. "If I go... I likely won't come back..." His voice was barely more than a whisper, and may be hard to decipher.

Mr. Rainbow: Confusion shone vaguely on Coden's brow. Though in a way, he understood. At least, he thought he did. Hesitantly reaching out from his side, He lay his empty hand on Jayne's shoulder. "....I am sorry."

Xakriuth: Jayne twitched at the touch, as if unsure what to do with it. He remained still and silent for a moment before suddenly rising to his feet. He kept his gaze down, not wanting to meet Coden's eyes, or anyone's just yet.
"I think... I will go to bed now," He muttered quietly.

Mr. Rainbow: As Jayne stood up to go, Coden's hand slipped away from Jayne's shoulder, hovering indecisively in the air. As if there was something He wished to say... He would no more than utter a defeated 'goodnight' though, as Jayne escaped into the house. Leaving Coden alone on the porch with a terrible wrenching ache in his chest. His sympathies went out to the boy. It wasn't easy loosing a mother at such a young age.

Xakriuth: Jayne walked upstairs slowly, his loud footsteps echoing throughout the quiet house. He didn't mean to clop around, but his mind was so very elsewhere, he wasn't paying attention to how he walked. When he reached the attic, he paused for a moment, his hand still holding tightly onto the envelope. He stared down at it again, is if it might tell him what to do. He sighed and walked into the room.

Barts was still awake and sitting at a desk with a light. He was sorting through the various things Jayne had bought and was preparing to leave in the next few days with Coden and Alexis. He looked up and raised an eyebrow as the deer walked in. "You're in early. Thought you were off stargazing."

Jayne walked slowly to his bed, and stood there for a moment before muttering, "wanted to sleep..."

The priest stared at Jayne curiously, able to see in an instant how off the deer was. "Something happened, didn't it?"

Jayne stood there silently for a long time while his mind raced. He was very still, and his face was fairly blank, but Barts knew him well, and saw all the signs that he was freaking out. "I... I am really tired." His hand clenched slightly around the letter in his hand and he crawled into the bed with his back to the priest.

Barts stared at Jayne for a while longer, but it was one of those rare occasions that he kept his mouth shut. He quickly put the things away, extinguished the light, and also went to bed.


It was hours later and late in the night when Jayne stirred again. He sat up in his bed, but he had never really been asleep. He'd been thinking of what he should do, and the consequences of doing so. It had taken him a while, but his mind was made now. As quietly as he could, Jayne slipped his legs over the side of the bed and reached in his bag where his armor was stored. There were two strips of fabric that he wore on his shoulders, but now he took them off and wrapped them around his hoofs to muffle the sounds of his steps. He stood from the bed and moved as quietly as he could as he went about and gathered a few of his belongings scattered around the room. He took a small portion of the supplies he'd gotten for travel, but only enough to see him off. He'd have to get more, but he bought it with Bart's money, he felt bad taking more. Every so often, the priest would give a snore and startle the poor deer. He would freeze and stare at Barts for several moments before he was sure he hadn't been heard and continued moving. It wasn't long before he had enough packed up to suffice, and he crossed to the window, but then he paused.

He had to go by himself, leave quietly without anyone knowing... but a part of him knew that was wrong. After everything, he couldn't just leave with no word at all. Jayne turned to the desk where some paper and pens were left and he held the writing utensil for several moments, trying to think of what he could write. What words would suffice what he was feeling? He'd never been good at finding words for his emotions, or even expressing them at all. He heaved a little sigh as large speeches explaining his actions and feelings came to mind and similarly left. In the end, he scrawled a simple, “Thank you for everything.”

He left quickly after that, jumping from the window and landing deftly on the grass. He removed the cloth around his feet, and then started down the road to the town. He trotted quickly down the road and reached the town within a relatively short amount of time, but he soon found out even the earliest airship leaving from the town wouldn't leave for a while longer. He stood in the station, staring at his feet as he had done for the entire walk, but one other thing nagged at him. There was one thing he had to do before he left, but he wondered if he had the strength to do it. After buying his ticket with almost all the money he had been saving working for Coden, he tucked it into his shirt and left the station. His footsteps took him to the Dragon's Den and he spent another long while just staring at a specific window.

Heart racing, breath short, Jayne set his bag against the side of the inn and then climbed up to the window. He almost jumped when the window came open at his pull, he had been expecting it to be locked, and was wondering if he was glad that it wasn't, or disappointed. Despite all these emotions, the deer crept into the window and came to stand in Amina's room.

Jayne stood by the window, eyes and ears locked onto the lithe form laying in bed, and he suddenly realized he had just broken into Amina's personal room in the middle of the night. He would surely pay for this later, but... He had to come here. He took a few steps toward her, wondering what he should do, or if he should just leave now before he did something really dumb. His footsteps slowed to a stop, and he was about five feet from the edge of the lioness's bed, heart pounding in his throat against the lump that made it hard to swallow. His eyes started to burn as he just... stared. How he would miss her. But the deer had to go.

Suddenly turning around, Jayne knew he had to leave now. It was foolish coming here at all, it hadn't made him feel any better, and he had risked so many things for something so stupid. He reached the window, but his footsteps against the wood were louder than he'd wanted as he moved.

Mr. Rainbow: Surprisingly, Amina slept through the entire break in. Undeterred by a single notion as Jayne invaded her room and lurked just inside. Though that single, hallow clop as he motioned to leave seemed enough to catch her dreary attention as furry ears flickered and swiveled like satellites at the sound. Her first thought was that someone had knocked to wake her for her morning shift, and so she mewled sleepily as she rolled on her side. Blinking lazily to see the time of day; onto the be met by the darkness of night.....and as her vision cleared, a huge, bulking shadow at her window. Startled by the sight, Amina gasped with a fright. Snatching her blankets against her chest, Amina sat up stiffly against her headboard, her mind snapping at attention from her sleepy state. She would quickly recognize the shape as Jayne's, and stiffed down the scream bubbling in her belly. "J-jayne? Isn't that you?" Rubbing her eyes, Amina double checked she wasn't dreaming the man standing there at her window.

Xakriuth: At her stirring, Jayne froze and slowly looked around. He turned around and raised a hand. "Amina, d-don't be afraid... Its me. I...Uh, This isn't- I wasn't- I.... I..." He stared at her, his eyes very wide and breath caught in his throat. What was he supposed to say? This was the exact opposite thing that he wanted to happen, and as always around Amina, he found himself unable to compose himself. He let out a small bleat as he tripped over his words. Then he finally stumbled out. "I-I'm sorry, I'm leaving now." He turned back to the window and got one leg out of the wooden frame.

Mr. Rainbow: Dumbfounded by his vague and stuttering excuse, Amina merely worried for Jayne rather than panic. Even despite the occurrence of his last eve visit to her room. As he stumbled to leave out her window, Amina threw aside her blankets to chase him down and catch his arm. Intent on hugging it firmly and not letting go. "Wait! Where are you going!?" Mainly, she worried about him jumping out the window...again. "There's a door you know! ...What are you doing here so late, anyhow. Is something the matter?"

Xakriuth: As Amina grabbed his arm, Jayne froze again, and she could feel his pounding heart against this chest. He was quiet for a moment, but then he pulled his leg back in the window and straightened up. "No... its alright, nothing is..." Even as he spoke though, his words shook, an obvious lie. He kept his gaze to the side and on the ground, unable to meet her face. "I... Well, I have t-to leave... And I wanted... I couldn't leave without..."

Mr. Rainbow: Of course she could tell something wasn't alright. Jayne was nearly trembling and he wouldn't look her in the eye. Fearful he might lurch away from her in a frenzy, Amina took Jayne by the hands and lead him away from the window before attending him. Craning up on her toes to touch his face and gently coax it towards hers, insistent that he meet her eyes. Her concern for him was terribly apparent by the heavy crease of her brow. "Couldn't leave without....saying good bye?" It seemed like the obvious answer. "This couldn't wait until a decent time of the day?", she suggested, smiling meekly with weary eyes.

Xakriuth: He shook his head, determinabley not meeting her gaze, though she did manage to get him farther from the window. "I must leave tonight... But I..." Even though he was trying not to look at her face, his eyes inevitably hovered up and then were locked in her golden orbs. In this, however, he finally seemed to calm down, at least a little. His breathing became a little more even and his heart slowed down. He stared at her for a moment, as if trying to memorize her face. "My Mother is... isn't well. I must go see her..."

Mr. Rainbow: The moment he uttered those morose words, Amina's timid smile lost all viable strength and fell heavy upon her face in a most distraught sort of frown. Despite He'd only said she was ill, Jayne's demeanor seemed to suggest something much graver. She could barely manage as much as a meager 'oh' before seeming to wilt before the man. "...She'll be okay, wont she?"

Xakriuth: Jayne's ears twitched and a pang went through his chest. "I... I don't know. That's why I have to go... Now..." His eyes dropped away, breaking their gaze, then he raised his hands, hesitantly at first, but then he suddenly wrapped his arms around her small waist and pulled her against his chest in a secure hug. He lowered his face to rest atop her head as he stared into her white hair. "Amina, I... have never met anyone... Not anyone like you before. I was going to travel across all the continents, and see everything, but I never... Really gave any thought to... My future. It was just something arbitrary, something I didn't have to think about until later, but now that... I'll likely never see that future, I have come to realize..." Jayne tried to keep his voice even, but it shook with each word, and the burning in his eyes only increased. Despite all his efforts, tears slid down his face to wet the top of Amina's head as he whispered, "I never thought about that future until I met you..."

Mr. Rainbow: The gesture was at first startling and abrupt, but Amina seemed to take it in stride. Timidly reaching around his barrel chest to hold him chest the same. Even as his words, confusing and strange, seeping into her ears. She didn't really understand what he was getting at, at first. Just a moment ago the subject was about his mother...but now the future and traveling again? He was beginning to worry her with all this odd talk. It made her chest swell and her heart ache and--- Amina's ears twitched, only barely catching his whisper, tickled by his breath and the warm droplets trickling through her hair. It all began to add up now, Amina's half conscious mind finally catching up. Suppressing the warmth creeping into her face, she shook her head into his chest and firmly clung to his embrace. "What are you saying? You act like I wont see you after this....." Amina laughed faintly, but it was heart wrenching. Something felt wrong, but she wasn't sure why.

Xakriuth: Jayne's breath choked in his throat and he had to take a few breaths before he trusted himself to speak. He couldn't dump this on her now. This was his burden to carry, and he couldn't drag Amina down with him. Mustering up some amount of calm for the first time in hours, he took a steadying breath and the tears stopped. "I... You never know what could happen. I... will come back, I just wanted you to know... to know..." He moved his hands from her waist to her shoulders, and then to her chin as he pulled away just slightly so he could tilt her face up. Again, he caught her eyes, his own slightly bloodshot, but no more tears fell. He just wanted this one moment with her before he had to say goodbye. Jayne leaned down to be closer to her until his face was inches from hers, his lips hovering just above hers while his heart pounded and each exhale was shaky as the moment seemed to stretch on forever.

Mr. Rainbow: Amina's chest suddenly clenched right up. A fluttering sweeping through her belly and along her spine as Jayne's bloodshot eyes found her own. He was such a miserable sight to behold. Though it did little to deter the breathlessness his closeness caused. Trembling in his hand, Amina met him that last inch, brushing her lips against his in a timid and uncertain kiss.

Xakriuth: Jayne had never kissed anyone, so truth be told, he wasn't sure exactly what to do, so he stayed relatively still. Despite the uncertainty, he couldn't deny the touch of her lips sent a jolt through his spine and got his heart to speed right back up. He hovered there for what seemed like a long moment (and yet far too short), letting the contact stay before he pulled away a few inches, his face burning and his head swimming in clouds. All these good feelings, however, couldn't quite hide away the ache in his chest, or the burn that persisted behind his eyes. He still wanted to be close to her, he didn't want to move away, but he knew he had to. Jayne leaned forward so his forehead rested on hers and his lips brushed her cheek as he whispered, "Goodbye... Amina..." The tears burned his eyes and threatened to fall so he straightened up quickly, and spun towards the window with the intention to leave before he could change his mind.

Mr. Rainbow: All too quickly, Jayne whirled away, leaving Amina standing with a cruelly twisted and sicken feeling in her stomach. This really was goodbye, then? For how long, she couldn't know, but she couldn't just let Jayne leave on such meek farewells. Not like this. "...Wait!" As quickly as he turned away, Amina pulled him back. And dragged him down by his collar to meet his lips again. Only this time, she was more certain than before. Wrapping her arms about his neck, both for leverage and the desire to be as utterly close to him this last time. Feeding as much passion into that one kiss as she could muster. Making it into something he could remember.

Xakriuth: The sudden movement caught Jayne off guard and he whirled around, then suddenly she was right there. His eyes snapped wide and a few tears fell down his face as she kissed him, much more passionately and if had though there was an electric shock going down his spine before, then this was like getting struck by lightning. The deer stumbled back a bit and his back hit the wall and made the window shake and threaten to fall shut. He was trapped in the kiss, however, and was quite happy to stay there. With Amina's uncertainty gone, some of his own left too and he kissed her back, trying to mimic some of the passion and feelings trapped in his chest. Jayne wrapped his arms around Amina's waist and straightened up, pulling her up with him as he held her tightly and kissed her. He'd never experienced anything like this before, and by no means wanted to cut it short. For this moment at least, he'd let himself be distracted a little longer.

Mr. Rainbow: If she could have kept him forever in that moment, she would have. Content to teach him how to dance with his mouth and taste his virgin lips. He was so awkward and fumbling, but that made this moment all the more worth while. He wouldn't forget her. Of that she was certain.
When her lungs finally burned for air, Amina mewled and whined with reluctance. Not yet, she pleaded. Though timing was everything. Any longer, and she might dare to take him further. To places he'd no time for. She didn't want to leave him on a note of lust, after all. Just complete and utter passion. So that they knew their feelings were mutual.
Breaking the kiss quite abruptly, Amina gasp for air, panting as she rest her forehead against Jayne's. Golden eyes staring listlessly between them. "You come back to me. Promise you will," she demanded---pleaded--breathless.

Xakriuth: Jayne was similarly trying to catch his breath, all caught up in the moment, and hardly believing it had just happened. He smiled at her, forgetting momentarily that he was still holding her up, but then at her words, the pit returned to his stomach. His smile only twitched, however, as he didn't want her to see the doubt in his face. He set her back onto the ground, muttering, "Y-yes... Of course I will." his voice shook, but that was honestly mostly due to the fact that he hadn't quite gotten his feet under him after that kiss. He gave her one more hug before he straightened up, meeting her gaze with a nervous and fake smile. "Goodbye, and.... Thank you."

Mr. Rainbow: It killed her to see him finally go, but she made the impression she needed to. The reluctance was plain as daylight and it filled her with a twisted sort of joy. Though with the sickly worry that boiled in her stomach, any insurance would have to make due. As she found her footing, Amina nuzzled against Jayne in their final hug before drawing away several steps, assuring him, and herself, that she wouldn’t' stop him again. His mother was involved after all. He couldn't come between that. She was all he had left, as far as either of them knew.  "Good bye, Jayne...."

Xakriuth: His hand lingered on hers a moment longer as he turned, and then finally left all together through that window, the apparent deer entrance/exit to her room. He didn't look back, even when he landed on the ground. The hurt in his chest welled so high, he was sure he would explode. Choking back a pained bleat, Jayne picked up his bag, which was still leaning against the inn's wall, and forced his head down as he walked through the street back to the station. It had taken nearly everything he had to leave, if he looked back, he doubted he could take another step.

As he walked, however, he realized that he would need everything he had, and more, if he was to pull off this insane journey. He'd never thought he'd return home, but now that he had to, to see his mother, Jayne just hoped he was strong enough to even see her, let alone get out alive. Well, there was a  reason he only bought a one way ticket.

The Station was mostly empty this early in the morning, Jayne was almost the only person waiting for the ship to leave, but as the deer walked into the building, he saw one other person had joined the few standing around, waiting to board. His sea green eyes widened when he saw the black haired, scarred priest wearing his familiar brown hat. Barts smirked at Jayne as he took a few steps closer.

“Barts... What are you- How did you know I'd be here?”

The priest scoffed and rolled his eyes. “Oh please, as if I don't know you well enough to predict when you'd run off like a prancing pansy.” He pushed off from the wall he was leaning against, his bag slung over his shoulder.

Jayne heaved a sigh and hung his head. “I have to go alone, Barts. You can't come...”

“The hell I can't,” Barts retorted as he stepped closer to Jayne. “You're still my manservant, aren't you? What makes you think you can just run off without saying anything, you stupid deer.” Now in front of Jayne, he raised an eyebrow expectantly, waiting for an answer.

“This is something I have to do by myself...”

“You keep saying that, but I have yet to hear and actual reason.”

Jayne's ears fell and he refused to meet Bart's eye. “... Its going to be... dangerous.”

Barts just scoffed and fwapped Jayne's head with the back of his hand. “Everything we do is dangerous, you idiot. And if that is the case, you'll need someone to babysit you. Gods know, you can't do it yourself.” He crossed his arms and smirked deviously at Jayne. “And besides, I've already bought a ticket to go with you. Nothing to be done about it now.”

Jayne's mouth opened as he tried to come up with a retort, an excuse, anything to keep Barts from going with him, but then the call rang out for everyone to board the airship and the priest simply walked away.

“You coming, Mr. Hero? You'll miss the ship.” Barts called over his shoulder as he waved his hand.

Jayne sighed and ran a hand through his hair, though despite the uneasy feeling and wrenching in his gut, a small smile came over his face. Barts did indeed know him well, and even though the deer was so uncertain, he was grateful to the priest for his friendship, even though he tried to cover it up with cynicism. He walked forward and followed his friend onto the ship and a few minutes later, the vessel took off and headed for Nui D'Ocell.
for :icontalesofdevotia:

technically the introduction to Jayne's backstory stuff. which will come eventually.
for now, here's my story quest.

yeeeeah i was originally going to draw this, buuuuuut
then my tablet died, and i decided to just write it.
though since its written, you get to see more happen than originally would have been shown in a comic. ^_^

Jayne and Barts belong to me
Coden and Amina belong to :iconsilver-dragonetsu_

word count is 4994
© 2013 - 2024 Xakriuth
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